Browse Survey Database

To access this screen:

  • Home ribbon >> Database >> Browse.

The Browse Database task is used to analyse the contents of your active Studio Survey database.

Select one or more filter options to list only database files that match those criteria. For example, you could select to view all surveyed pit surfaces for a particular pit/area combination where the survey was performed between two inclusive dates.

Once a list of files have been presented, you can then preview data or load it into the 3D window for further visual inspection.

Filter the Database View

If all filtering options are disabled, the Filtered Data list shows every file in your database.

By enabling options, the list becomes progressively more filtered until a point where no files are listed, meaning no data in your database matches the filter criteria specified.

Note: the Filtered Data list updates as filter options are modified. There is no need to apply changes.

Loading & Editing Report Sheets

You can use the Browse Database screen to view (and edit) previously generated reports. Locate any file with a ".dmtpl" extension in the Filtered Data list and select Load Data to load the plot sheet as one or more editable worksheets.

For multi-page reports, each page displays as a standalone plot sheet. You can then edit the report sheet(s) using the proprietary plot editing tools and, if you want the changes to become a standard for future reports, update the reporting template by clicking Save the Data into the Database.

To see what's in your Survey database:

  1. In the Filters section, enable one or more filters to refine the Filtered Data list below:

    • To restrict listed data to data of a particular open pit, enable Pit and pick one from the list. See Manage Pits to configure the contents of this list.

      • If a Pit filter is active, further restrict listed data by picking a pit Area. See Manage Areas to configure this list.

    • Restrict ROM data by enabling this option and picking a ROM in the database. Configure database rom contents using the Manage ROMs screen.

    • For underground data filtering, pick a Decline. Manage these with the Manage Declines screen.

  2. To restrict the view of data to a particular Data Type, enable this option and pick a type from the list. Types are the same as those listed when adding data to the database for open pit or underground scenarios.

  3. To restrict the view by a file extension, enable File Type and pick one.

  4. Show only data that relates to a particular survey date range by enable Date and picking a from and to date.

    Note: these dates are inclusive.

  5. Show only the most recently added data by checking Latest. This filter also works in combination with any Date range (see above) that may be set, that is, only the newest data within the specified range will be listed.

    Note: where multiple entries exist for the same type of data, only the data with the latest survey date will be listed. For example, if you have a set of compliance reports, all produced at different dates and times, they are classed as the same type and only the latest will be listed.

  6. In the Filtered Data list, pick one or more data entries.

    Tip: use keyboard modifiers to pick multiple concurrent entries (SHIFT) or isolated entries (CTRL).

  7. View the selected data using one of the buttons provided:

    • Preview Data—view the selected data using the default viewer set up on the Database Settings panel (Browse tab).

    • Load Data—load all selected data into the primary 3D view (and any linked views).

      Note: if you have plot template data selected, see "Loading Reports" above to see how to commit your plot sheet changes to the database template.

  8. When you're done reviewing data, close the Browse Database task using the 'x' button.

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